Shpazhinsky, Ippolit Vasilievich

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    <br><br>Ippolit Vasilievich Shpazhinsky (1844 (1845?) – February 2, 1917) – Russian playwright.<br>Biography<br>The playwright’s ancestors come from the nobility of the Voronezh province. Ippolit Vasilievich himself was born in Tiflis, in 1845 or 1844. Having received his military education at the Voronezh Cadet Corps, and then at the Alexander Military School in Moscow, he served in the Ulan regiment. After retirement, he passed the full course of the law faculty of Moscow University as a .<br><br>Under the pseudonym Yves. Vezovsky published short stories, stories and scenes in OB Miller’s „Entertainment“. In 1876, Shpazhinsky’s first dramatic work was staged – the drama A Question of Life, which touched on psychological themes. This was followed by a large number of stage works of all genres: tragedies, dramas, comedies, as well as individual scenes. Most of the librettos he wrote were immediately staged on the „official stages“ (in the imperial theaters) in St. Petersburg and Moscow. Among them: „A Tidbit“, „Reproaches of the Past“, „Easy Means“, „In a Forgotten Estate“, „Everyday Business“, „Dust has gone“, „Food“, „Limit“, „Lies, but the truth is worth“ , „Free Volyushka“, „Ray“, „Simple History“ and others, collected in two volumes (M., 1892). For the drama „Two Fates“ Shpazhinsky received the Griboyedov Prize, for several other plays – the Vuchin Prize.<br><br>His drama Mayorsha (1878), the comedy Fofan (1880), the drama Kruchina (1881), the tragedy The Enchantress (1884), the drama In the Old Years (1888) enjoyed particular success. The Majorcha and The Enchantress were translated into French, German and Czech, and the history of the Riga Russian Theater began with the drama Majorcha directed by Maximov.<br><br>The poetic tragedy based on historical material „The Enchantress“ became the basis of the famous opera by PI Tchaikovsky, whose acquaintance with Shpazhinsky took place in January 1885. In addition to several more librettos for Tchaikovsky, Shpazhinsky wrote the libretto of the opera Taras Bulba for the composer V. N. Kashperov. In 1886, when A. Ostrovsky re-staged Voevoda to the music of Kashperov, he helped to invite Tchaikovsky as the author of one of the phenomena of the updated opera, paying tribute to Pyotr Ilyich, as the author of the first version, written by him in 1869.<br><br>Shpazhinsky’s plays are devoted to the of pre-reform landlord or city life, mainly of the poor classes. Often Shpazhinsky tries to be a psychologist, examining the awakening of hatred in an abandoned woman, the beneficial influence of a true, high feeling, the fatal meaning of accidents, torment and remorse of an involuntary criminal, and so on. Shpazhinsky’s plays were in their time. They were played by M. G. Savina, P. A. Strepetova, V. F. Komissarzhevskaya.<br><br>From 1890 he served as chairman of the Society of Russian Drama Writers and Opera Composers.<br><br>Son Yuri Ippolitovich Shpazhinsky – artist (the painting „Stone women“ was in the Tretyakov Gallery). In the 1920s, he worked as a theater director in Crimea.<br><br>The writer also had two illegitimate children. Ippolit Shpazhinsky and Maria Raikova (née von Hertha) quickly separated, and the children were raised by their mother. One of them, Boris Raikov, later became a professor, a historian of science.<br><br>The poet Georgy Chulkov in his „Theatrical Notes“ calls Shpazhinsky his „uncle“.<br><br>Literary critic G. A. Byaly wrote about Shpazhinsky:<br><br> A talented epigone, a gifted representative of a transition period, a playwright without innovative aspirations, Shpazhinsky gave the theatrical Russian audience what he could, and got what he deserved from it: quick success and quick oblivion.<br><br>– Byaly G.A. Russian realism of the late 19th century. – L., 1973 .– S. 148.<br>Some playsdrama „Majorcha“ (1878)comedy „Easy Means“ (1879)comedy „Fofan“ (1880)drama „Kruchina“ (1882)1882 – „Where there is love, there is to attack“tragedy „The Enchantress“ (1884)1887 – „Princess Kuragina“1888 – „In the old years“1892 – The SacrificeDark Force (1895)1898 – „Two Fates“ (Griboyedov Prize)historical drama in verse „The Pretender“ („Princess Tarakanova“, 1904)Screen adaptations1909 – The Enchantress1910 – „Princess Tarakanova“

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