Korovin, Vladimir Viktorovich

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    <br><br>Vladimir Viktorovich Korovin (born May 15, 1969, Kursk) – Russian historian, specializes in the study of problems of regional military, socio-political and socio-economic history of Russia. Doctor of Historical Sciences (2008), Professor (2011). Professor of the Department of Constitutional Law at Southwestern State University.<br>Biography<br>From a family of railroad workers. In 1986 he graduated from secondary school No. 15 in Kursk with a gold medal, in 1994 – from the history department of the Kursk State Pedagogical Institute, in 2005 – from the law department of the Kursk State Technical University. Since 1986 he worked as the head of the tourist circles of the Kursk City Palace of Pioneers and . In 1987-1989 he served in the ranks of the Soviet Army.<br><br>From 1989 to 1993 he worked as a leader of circles, a methodologist for tourism and local lore work, head of the section of sports and tourism, a teacher of additional education at the Kursk Palace of Pioneers. A pupil of the tourism section of the Khmelevskaya Palace of Pioneers headed by him, Andrey Aleksandrovich was awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation.<br><br>From 1993 to 2002 – teacher of history, social studies and local history at secondary school No. 15 in Kursk. The initiator of the creation and organizer of two school museums – Partisan Glory and School History, as well as the construction of a memorial sign dedicated to the graduates of the educational institution who died in the line of military duty.<br><br>Since 2002 – Associate Professor, since 2009 – Professor of the Department of Constitutional Law of the Kursk State Technical University (since 2010 – Southwestern State University – SWSU).<br>Scientific activity<br>A significant part of scientific works is devoted to the organization of resistance in the rear of the German fascist troops during the Great Patriotic War. They represent the activities of party-political structures, state security agencies and military command in the leadership of the partisan movement. On the basis of international and domestic normative acts, the specifics of the legal status of the participants in the resistance in the rear of the German fascist troops have been clarified. As a result of search and research work in federal, departmental and regional archives, he introduced into scientific circulation documentary sources containing new information and made it possible to illuminate the problems of the party leadership of the partisan movement and the underground, participation in organizing resistance to the occupants of the territorial structures of the NKVD, the work of the fourth branches of the political departments of the armies and the fourth departments of political directorates of the fronts to coordinate the actions of partisan forces. The scholar’s publications reveal the formalism in the selection of personnel for special assignments behind enemy lines, the ineffectiveness of the guerrilla movement control system and unsolved problems of material and technical support for the partisans; the influence of collaboration of the local population on the nature of resistance to the invaders. In the works of the researcher, a detailed reflection of the problem of the influence of natural-geographical conditions on the daily life and combat activities of partisans was obtained; the of training at short-term training courses for the NKVD system of specialists for conducting reconnaissance and sabotage operations behind enemy lines; forms of interaction between partisans and units of the Red Army in the occupied territory and during its liberation from the enemy.<br><br>He regularly reports the results of scientific research at scientific conferences, participates in the preparation of television and radio broadcasts, design of mobile thematic exhibitions, and speaks to young people.<br><br>For a number of years, he has been providing scientific guidance to graduate students, trained 14 candidates of historical sciences. Author of over 400 scientific and educational works.<br><br>Member of the Scientific Council on the Problems of Military History at the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Expert Council on the History of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation. Member of the editorial boards of the journals „Archivist Bulletin“, „News of the South-West State University. Series: History and Law „,“ Manuscript „.<br>Social activity<br>Three times he was elected to the Public Chamber of the Kursk Region. Member of the Russian Bar Association, member of the Coordination Council for Tourism of the Kursk Region, member of the Public Council under the Russian MIA Administration for the Kursk Region, member of the Public Council under the Archives Administration of the Kursk Region, member of the Council for Urban Planning Policy and Protection of Cultural Heritage Objects under the Administration of the Kursk Region. Member of the International Association of Historical Psychology.<br><br>In 2010, he was elected a full member of the interregional public organization of scientists „Academy of Military-Historical Sciences“ (AVIN, ceased to exist in 2018), initiated the creation and scientific secretary of the South-West branch of AVIN in Kursk, headed the editorial board of the Kursk military historical collection „- a publication that publishes modern research on the problems of the military history of the Fatherland, military memorial work and patriotic education of citizens. Head of the Kursk branch of the All-Russian public organization „Russian Society of Historians and Archivists“. Chairman of the branch of the Russian Military Historical Society (RVIO) in the Kursk region.<br>Awards<br>Awarded with the Certificate of Honor of the Ministry of Education and of the Russian Federation, the Medal of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation „For services in perpetuating the fallen defenders of the Fatherland“ and the medal of the Russian Military Center under the Government of the Russian Federation „Patriot of Russia“, the commemorative sign of the Kursk region „For Labor and Fatherland“, the honorary badge of the city of Kursk “ For special services to the city of Kursk „, the Badge of Honor of the Russian Committee of War and Labor Veterans, public awards.<br>Main worksKorovin V. V. Partisan movement on the territory of the Kursk region in 1941-1943. – Kursk: „YUMEX“, 2005.220 p.Victory was brought closer as best they could (Combat operations of the Bryansk, Southwestern fronts and partisans against the troops of Hitlerite Germany and its allies in the Central Black Earth region of the RSFSR (October 1941 – July 1942) / V.V. Korovin, A.N. Manzhosov, A. D. Nemtsev, I. P. Tsukanov – Kursk: Kursk State University; Slavyanka Publishing House, 2006. 322 p.Korovin V. V. Warriors of the people rose: Resistance in the rear of the German fascist troops on the territory of the regions of the Central Black Earth Region in 1941-1943. – Kursk: Slavyanka, 2007.512 p.Kursk region during the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. / V. V. Korovin, A. N. Manzhosov, A. D. Nemtsev, S. A. Nikiforov, G. D. Pilishvili, K. V. Yatsenko. – Kursk: OOO Uchitel, 2010.427 p.Korovin V. V. In the fight against the occupiers: 1941-1943. Resistance of the population of the Central Black Earth Region in the rear of the Nazi troops. – Germany: LAMBERT Academic Publishing, 2012.536 p.Korovin V. V., Trufanov S. V. Judicial bodies of the Kursk region in the 1950-1970s: constitutional and legal foundations and experience. – South-West. state un-t. Kursk, 2012.144 p.Khrushchev’s „thaw“ in the Kursk region: the socio-political life of the region in 1953-1964. / V. V. Korovin, D. A. Belozerov, A. V. Gavrilyuk, E. A. Golovin, A. Yu. Zolotukhin, V. A. Korovin, A. N. Manzhosov. – Kursk: YuZGU, 2013.218 p.Korovin V. V., Manzhosov A. N., Zolotukhin A. Yu. „This memory is necessary for the whole land …“ (Monuments of military glory of the Kursk region, dedicated to the events and heroes of the Great Patriotic War: Historical guide). – Kursk: Integral Plus LLC, 2014.152 p.The social activity of the Kuryans in the conditions of „developed socialism“: organizational formation and activities of public associations of the region in the 1950-1970s / V. V. Korovin, D. A. Belozerov, A. V. Gavrilyuk, V. A. Korovin, A. N. Manzhosov. – South-West. state un-t. Kursk, 2014.299 p.Korovin V. V., Golovin E. A., Manzhosov A. N. Industrial breakthrough: the industry of the Kursk region in 1950-1965. – Kursk: South-West. state un-t, 2015.328 p.Korovin V. V., Golovin E. A., Korovin V. A., Manzhosov A. N. The price of betrayal: collaboration on the territory of the Kursk region in 1941-1943 and its social and legal consequences. – Kursk: YuZGU, 2016 .– 380 p.Korovin V. V., Manzhosov A. N., Leonova E. L., Golovin E. A. „We glorify our time with an honest and righteous life …“ (Social and political activity of the Kursk students in the 1960-1980s). – Kursk: JSC „University Book“, 2018. – 300 p.Korovin V. V., Manzhosov A. N., Golovin E. A., Argunov O. N., Velichko A. V., Zolotukhin A. Yu., Novikov V. N. „Time has chosen us …“ in the Great Victory (1941-1945). – Kursk: JSC „University Book“, 2018. – 300 p.V.V. Korovin Kursk Territory and Kuryans in the Military History of the Fatherland: Selected Pages: Study Guide. – Kursk: JSC „University Book“, 2019. – 316 p.

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